作為《Little Busters!》十週年紀念企劃之一,人氣衍生作品《Kud Wafter》(クドわふたー)動畫化募資活動,在完成日本方面目標金額之後、於歐美募款網站Tokyo Otaku Mode上展開了海外版募款計劃,希望能將這部作品推行至各國家之中。



「庫特莉亞芙卡」與「直枝理樹」成為戀人,這是修學旅行平安結束後的另一個Little Busters的世界──在暑假開始,Little Busters!成員們陸續回家的時候,庫特和理樹留在學校宿舍居住。男生宿舍在翻修工程中發生漏水事故,導致宿舍無法繼續使用。失去居所的理樹,被庫特以「室友現在還在募集中…」為由、邀請到了房中展開秘密同居生活。一邊幫助庫特進行暑假自由研究、一起度過不被別的學生發現的日子……


All-or-nothingprojects have a funding goal that needs to be met within the project period in order for the product to be created. If an All-or-nothing project fails to meet its funding goal, the product(s) in development will not be created, and all backers will receive a full refund.

It’s the 10th anniversary of Little Busters! Get ready to meet your favorite characters once more in Kud Wafter, a heartwarming and adorable spin-off featuring fan favorite heroine, Kud! Now fans around the world can join Japanese backers in supporting the creation of a Kud Wafter theatrical anime.

199%of ¥3,000,000 goal

4days to go