

  • 500-600克芋頭,切粒(500-600g yam, cut into cube size)
  • 1小碗 小蔥頭,切片 (1 small bowl of shallots, sliced)
  • 1/2小碗 蝦米,洗凈,剁碎(1/2 small bowl of dried shrimps, wash, soaked &chopped)
  • 調味料(依各人喜好調勻):鹽,糖,麻油,五香粉,胡椒粉 (seasoning: according to your own taste - salt, sugar, sesame oil, 5-spice powder, pepper)
  • 300克粘米粉加400克水調勻 (300g rice flour add with 400g water, mixed well, set aside)
  • 600克水備用 (600g water)


  1. 熱鍋,下4大匙油。把小蔥頭炸至芳香及帶金黃色即可。
  2. 撈出一半炸香的蔥頭和油。另一半留在鍋里。
  3. 繼續用熱鍋和鍋里的油炒香芋頭至金黃色。
  4. 放入蝦米和芋頭一起兜抄片刻(約2-3分鐘)。
  5. 倒入600克水,以中火煮至滾。
  6. 下調味料。
  7. 慢慢拌入粉漿。一面倒,一面炒至麵糊呈濃狀及不黏鍋底即可熄火。
  8. 9寸圓烤盤塗上少許油,芋頭麵糊倒入,表面抹平。
  9. 大火蒸45分鐘。
  10. 取出待冷,切塊。撒上炸香的小蔥頭,蔥花,辣椒和芝麻即可。


  1. Heat wok, put in 4 tbsp oil. Fried shallots til golden pown. Remove half from wok and set aside for garnishing.
  2. Fried yam cube with the other half of the shallots in wok til golden pown.
  3. Add in driend shrimps, fried together with yam for another 2-3 minutes.
  4. Add in 600g of water and ping to boil.
  5. Add in seasoning then slowly add in the flour mixture.
  6. Stir while adding the flour mixture.
  7. Keep stirring till mixture becomes thick and not stick to the wok.
  8. Pour mixture into 9" greased steaming tray .
  9. Steam on high heat for 45 minutes or until well cooked.
  10. Whilst still hot, spread remaining fried shallots on top of the cake surface. Garnished with chopped spring onion and chillies .
  11. When cold, cut the cake and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and best served with sambal and sweet sauce.
