Malaysia Borneo, Sabah, Sipadan Island 
馬來西亞婆羅洲 沙巴州屬 西巴丹島Pulau Sipadan ('Border Island' in Malay) is an island of outstanding natural beauty. The island is only 12 hectares (30 acres) and is covered by pristine rainforest.The amazing diversity and abundance of marine life found at Sipadan makes it one of the top world's top diving spots and without doubt the most famous scuba destination in Malaysia. Sipadan island is regularly featured in the world's top 10 dive spots along with other destinations sich as the Galapagos Islands.Scuba dive with the swirling tornado-like formation of Barracudas, the big-eye trevallies, the thousands silver jack fishes, the giant size parrot fishes, the numerous turtles and many others such as mantas, eagle rays, tunas, scalloped hammerhead sharks, whale sharks and 3000 more species of fish.”I have seen other places like Sipadan 45 years ago. Now we have found again an untouched piece of art.” Late Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau, 1988.

For environmental reasons this tiny island has now closed its resorts.

This means the best way to dive here is by staying in on one of the resorts on the nearby islands of Mabul or Kapalai. The resorts also boast some excellent local macro-diving which is a great complement to the peathtaking big fish action of Sipadan Island.

Diving in Sipadan operates on a permit basis and is restricted to 120 permits per day. We recommend staying at least 4 nights to allow for the opportunity to dive at the island. The longer you stay the greater your chances of having more dives here (normally 4 dives a day).Permits are not allocated in advance so no-one, including the resorts themselves, can make guarantees about the number of days you will dive at Sipadan, unless your stay is longer. When you book through Dive The World, we will apply for entry permits to the restricted area on your behalf. This will give you the same chance (or better) of obtaining Sipadan permits as booking elsewhere.For some resorts, Dive The World can arrange in advance for you to pay for extra permits, subject to availability. It is not a guarantee but it is the best way possible to increase your chances of multiple days of diving at Sipadan.Special resort diving and accommodation package rates apply at many of these resorts for Malaysians, Singaporeans and expatriates living in those countries with work permits.You can dive here all year round. Overall, the best conditions at Sipadan Island exist from April to December, especially July and August. January to March can see some unsettled weather and a decrease in visibility but the resorts still see plenty of guests at this time as the diving can still be fine.
“四十五年前,我曾見過其他像西巴丹這樣的地方,如今我們又發現這樣一件藝術珍品。” ━Jacques-Yves Cousteau西巴丹所處的地理位置,正好是世界最豐富海產棲息地的印度太平洋盆地中央。超過三千種魚類和數以百計的珊瑚,已經在這個生態系統最豐盛的區域獲得鑒識。西巴丹是以成群結隊,數量多得不尋常的綠海龜及玳瑁聚居、交配繁殖,在任何據點,潛水人隨時都可見到逾二十隻以上的海龜著稱。另外,潛水人熱衷潛泅觀賞的獨特據點,是通道和腔室布陣如迷宮般,匿藏著許多因迷途而溺斃的海龜遺骸,由海底石灰岩礁形成的龜冢。數以千計聚居在這一帶海域的梭魚和大眼,經常聚集在一起形成如颱風眼般的壯觀懾人景象,是每一名潛水人到這裡潛水最渴望見到的景觀之一。

潛水人期待的其他景象,包括可能驚鴻一瞥的遠洋魚類,如魔鬼魚、鷹鰩、扇貝□頭鯊和鯨鯊。潛水人前來西巴丹潛水,要看的當然不僅只是大魚而已,海洋微生物群也同樣能讓彼等著迷。花園鰻、葉蠍魚、螳螂蝦、火蝦虎以及各種類的海龍,在各據點都能夠見得到。海產蘊藏多樣和品種繁多,是西巴丹島榮登世界十大最佳潛水聖地排行榜的元素。談起西巴丹的海洋生物,一定要提這裡最動人的生物——海龜。嗜吃海草的青龜須上岸產卵,重複另一個生命的循環,青龜每次平均下100至200粒蛋。鸚咀龜愛吃珊瑚和海棉,體積比一般海龜小,但下蛋本領強得很,一次平均下150粒。西巴丹島既是海龜新生命的延續點,也是老弱海龜的葬身之地。在20英尺深處,有個長形洞穴,是海龜的葬身之地、長眠之所,海床上滿是龜骸,白骨森森,有完整的、也有破殘不全的,在這冰涼的水底,膽小之人看了恐怕會不寒而慄。海龜們為何都以此龜冢為終極歸宿,人類還無法猜透,但這個啞謎,更增添了龜冢和西巴丹的神秘感.一大群一大群數以千計的梭魚和Big-eye,像旋風似地聯游覓食. 你也可能會碰到一些遠洋魚類品種如Mantas, Eagle Rays,錘頭鯊,鯨鯊.迷惑著潛水愛好者還有其它的海洋生物如Garden Eels, Leaf Scorpionfish,瀨尿蝦,火刺鰭魚,不同品種的楊枝魚. 由於Sipadan的海洋生態,多姿多彩,無論數量或品種之多樣化,都是世上少有,故最近被評為世界最佳潛水勝地.西巴丹島總共有十二個潛水據點,分別為西礁 (West Ridge)、北角 (North Point)、陡坡 (The Drop Off)、龜穴 (Turtle Cavern)、梭魚角 (Barracuda Point)、珊瑚園 (Coral Gardens)、白頂通道 (Whitetip Avenue)、中礁 (Mid Reef)、龜罩 (Turtle Patch)、南角 (South Point)、鹿角峰 (Staghorn Crest)、龍蝦窩(Lobster Lair)以及懸浮花園 (Hanging Gardens)。最受稱道的據點是龜穴、梭魚角、南角和懸空花園。Welcome to visit Malaysia Borneo Islands ~ your Snorkeling & Diving holiday with Cheng Pai Voyage,歡迎到訪 馬來西亞沙巴和沙拉越州屬 海島浮潛和深潛 ~ 讓城派夢想旅遊 為您精彩策劃!
Cheng Pai Voyage 城派夢想旅遊,
Dennis Loh,
+6 012-359 1886
Ice Looi,
+6 012-631 7638
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Cheng Pai Voyage
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