
拉 菲茲憤怒踢爆,國陣戲劇事先安排好了,為了安撫墾殖民的憤慨情緒,納吉指示發展商Synergy Promenade配合聯邦土地發展局新任主席沙裡爾演戲,對外假稱Jalan Semarak那塊價值2.7億令吉的土地已經物歸原主了,這事告一段落了。但實際上這只是煙霧!一旦全國大選結束,國陣再次執政另一個5年的時候,發展 商就可以明目張膽的撕毀所謂的歸還土地協議,展開高樓大廈發展計劃了。到那時候,墾殖民才發覺又一次被騙,已經晚了!


聯邦土地發展局(FELDA)上星期宣布,位於吉隆坡士馬勒路(Jalan Semarak)的土地重新歸屬聯土局,惟人民公正黨副主席拉菲茲唱反調,認定當初轉讓的土地回不來了!

拉 菲茲也是雪蘭莪班丹區國會議員,他在透過臉書直播的記者會上指出,土地歸還沒那麼簡單,因為就在土地歸還聯土局之際,發展商Synergy Promenade 私人有限公司原本計劃在士馬勒路開發”吉隆坡垂直城市計劃“(Kuala Lumpur Vertical City)的發展藍圖已經獲得當局批准。


“一旦建築計劃開展,土地所有權就會進入分契的形式(Strata Ownership),並不歸聯土局所有。”



發展商Synergy Promenade 私人有限公司是在今年1月15日於吉隆坡辦事處,在聯土局主席沙裡爾的見證下,將土地歸還於聯邦土地發展局獨立非執行董事阿都甘尼。

據 悉,土地轉售的交易在2014年6月3日進行,並在聯土局投資機構委託Synergy Promenade 作為主要發展商,在該地段發開發吉隆坡垂直城市計劃(Kuala Lumpur Vertical City)後發生。對於雙方所簽訂的吉隆坡垂直城市計劃,沙裡爾表示雙方將會重新協商。


FELDA land in Jalan Semarak, which had been approved for the development of Kuala Lumpur Vertical City (KLVC) was “gone forever”, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli alleged today.

He said most people were unaware that the land had already been sold to the developer, Synergy Promenade Sdn Bhd (SPSB).

Last week, SPSB offered to return to Felda the plots of land in Jalan Semarak, after it was revealed last month that ownership of the land, worth an estimated RM270 million, had been transferred to the privately-owned company in a dubious transaction in 2015.

Rafizi said that contrary to what Felda and SPSB want the people to believe, only a portion of the land would be returned to Felda.

"Felda’s land for KLVC is gone forever. The people do not know that when the KVLC construction started, the land was already sold to the developers," Rafizi said on a Facebook live session today.

He claimed that as approval was given for the construction of KLVC, the individual lots that had been built were now owned by the developers and the buyers.

In a press conference last week, Felda chairman Shahrir Samad said SPSB had volunteered to return to Felda at no cost the ownership of 16 plots of land, totalling 66,000sq m.

Shahrir said the developer had also returned the relevant documents for the land to be registered again in Felda's name.

While work on KLVC would continue, Sharir said Felda would be re-negotiating the terms and conditions of the project.

Lawyer Azhar Harun said last week that the legal process of transferring ownership of the land back to Felda could prove to be complicated and messy.
