喜歡某個領域的人會被稱為「OO宅」,但是如果喜歡科學會被稱為科學家w 所以某個程度來說,科學家也是宅宅的一種?最近美國的羅徹斯特大學University of Rochester派了一群科學家來到南極洲有80萬年歷史的冰山上,準備進行關於氣候變遷的比較研究。不過在他們成功鑽了90公尺的冰洞以後,這群科學家們玩心大起,丟了一塊冰進去,並且錄到了意料之外的聲音~
Sound ON
When #science is done, it's fun to drop ice down a 90 m deep borehole in an #Antarctic#glacier
. So satisfying when it hits the bottom.
Happy hump day. pic.twitter.com/dQtLPWQi7T
@peter_neffLest you think we were able to control our glee while putting #Antarctic #glacier ice back in the borehole it came from... pic.twitter.com/hjLyZe8Bms
上午4:52 - 2018年3月1日
羅徹斯特大學博士後研究員Peter Neff在他的推特上記錄下他們在南極鑿穿古老冰層的過程
@peter_neffHow to drill a shallow ice core:
上午2:33 - 2018年2月8日
(w/ @RochesterIceLab @heidiroop)
1.Get funded by @NSF, go to Dry Valleys, #Antarctica(hard part).
2.Get PICO coring auger (@US_IceDrilling).
3.Find 2 friends. Only need 1 but unsolicited advice from 2nd is great.
4.Remember a Hammer.
Sound ON
When #science is done, it's fun to drop ice down a 90 m deep borehole in an #Antarctic#glacier
. So satisfying when it hits the bottom.
Happy hump day. pic.twitter.com/dQtLPWQi7T
上午10:25 - 2018年3月4日ice core drilling w/ @US_IceDrilling, @NSF_OPP allows us to 1) learn about Earth's past climate, 2) make cool noises in deep ice boreholes. pic.twitter.com/FIeSHcOOA9
@peter_neff上午2:10 - 2018年3月1日
Sound ON
When #science is done, it's fun to drop ice down a 90 m deep borehole in an #Antarctic#glacier
. So satisfying when it hits the bottom.
Happy hump day.
你在Peter Neff的推特上,可以從他PO的照片裡看到他對他的工作的愛,像是與大家分享他看到的景色,順便講說一下南極的下降風威力
@peter_neffKatabatic winds at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
上午6:54 - 2018年3月3日, falling off the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Looks peaceful, but they're like a force of gravity. Drop a glove & it will be gone forever before hitting the ground!
3月1日@jchillerup回覆給 @peter_neff @larsbalkerSweaty palms working at the @egripcamp hole, too ;) pic.twitter.com/zju1a5zV5v
@peter_neffBut you only have one hole to worry about, @jchillerup! And ours can swallow a small human! @heidiroop pic.twitter.com/qs16H02RBF
下午3:14 - 2018年3月1日
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