




實上,米糧市場對國家稻米公司Bernas早就忍氣吞聲多年。根據熟悉市場運作者爆料,國家稻米公司從東盟國家如泰國、越南、柬埔寨、緬甸入口品質普通的 白米,然後以最高級白米價格強迫批發商買貨。這就是為什麼國人總是覺得國內白米煮出來的米飯不夠香Q,一旦去到中國、泰國、越南吃到當地的白米飯卻總是特 別好吃爽口。這就是國家稻米公司壟斷市場,造成國人花高價也吃不到好米的原因了。


來首富在7年前配合前朝首相納吉與貪婪的羅斯瑪,強硬併吞大馬首富《糖王》郭鶴年的玻璃市糖廠和30%國家稻米公司股份,把白米及白糖的壟斷權緊緊握在手 中,逼走了郭鶴年。在這之後白米及白糖價格就不斷上漲,短短7年內,白糖已經從郭鶴年時代每公斤RM1.25飛漲至如今的RM2.95,漲幅接近兩倍。而 10公斤裝的香米也從7年前的RM20.00一路調漲至如今接近RM40.00。當然,大家還是不明白,利潤增加這麼多了,賽莫達居然還喊窮!



Bernas rice-import monopoly to end soon

THE monopoly of the Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary-owned Bernas to import rice will end soon, as the reform mood sweeps through the Pakatan Harapan government.

The cabinet has agreed to terminate Syarikat Padi Beras Nasionals three to four-decade stranglehold on rice imports, Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Salahuddin Ayub was quoted as saying by Astro Awani.

Cabinet has agreed to end Bernas monopoly after hearing the arguments in support of it, the minister was quoted as saying.

All other forms of monopolies will also be reviewed to see if they should be retained or broken up, he said.

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad also directed Salahuddin to prepare a memorandum to the cabinet on the proposed methods to break up Bernas' monopoly.

I have also instructed the ministrys secretary-general to inform all of our departments to identify several rice import models used in other countries, Salahuddin said.

A committee will also be formed to advise the government on the matter before the final memorandum on dismantling the monopoly is tabled to the cabinet.

The move to end monopolies is to avoid enriching certain crony companies, he was quoted as saying by Malay daily Berita Harian last month.
