(視頻)枸杞當歸蒸雞 Steamed Chicken with Wolfberry & Dang Gui



分量: 2-3人份 需時: 30分鐘材料:雞腿 – 2隻,切塊幼姜 – 1小塊(20克),切絲當歸 - 5片枸杞 - 1湯匙花雕酒 - 1茶匙鹽 – ½ 茶匙准備功夫:1. 清除雞腿塊去多餘的脂肪,洗淨瀝干2. 把所有的材料混合醃30分鐘蒸雞法:1. 把醃制過的雞腿上碟,放入含有滾水的鍋內,大火蒸15 分鐘2. 熄火,上卓,完成

Just combine everything together and steam, easy-peasy!Portion: 2-3 paxTime required: 30 minutesIngredients:2 chicken drumsticks (cut it)1 pc of ginger (mince it)5 pc of Chinese angelica root (dang gui)1 tbsp of wolfberry1 tsp of Shaoxing wine½ tsp of saltPreparations:1. Clean the fat from drumsticks, wash and rinse it2. Mix all the ingredients together and marinate it for 30 minutesSteps:1. Steam the marinated drumsticks with boiled water for 15 minutes2. Turn off the gas, it’s done!
